Distribution of Rs.10049 to all Registrants on https://gaapadvisors.com on 1 May 2021
On 1 May 2021, the wallets of registrants on https://gaapadvisors.com were loaded for the 13th time. GAAP Advisors distributed ?10049 for the month of April 2021 among its registrants for contributing their Time, Energy and Knowledge in their Cash Wallet and Discount Wallet. The total amount distributed till now is ?3,32,487 since the collaborative model was launched. ??
GAAP Advisors expresses special thanks to Sunil Aggarwal https://gaapadvisors.com/Certificate/Certificate_2390.jpg and Ankit Ankit https://gaapadvisors.com/Certificate/Certificate_176.jpg for subscribing in April 2021 and contributing to the mission of spreading the knowledge and awareness of financial reporting standards in India in a Collaborative Manner Creating Value For All. ??
It mustbe noted that the amounts displayed in the certificate are the total amounts that those patrons have contributed to the collaborative model of https://gaapadvisors.com till date through subscription to repositories on https://gaapadvisors.com and not the amount thy contributed in the month of April 2021.